Polycarbonate materials are the recommended lens material because they provide
the best impact resistance to flying objects. This lightweight plastic absorbs 99% of
UV light, can be purchased in welding shades and is highly impact-resistant. Glass
lenses are also available. Glass offers a higher resistance to chemicals and solvents
used for cleaning, so it may be a better choice in situations where repetitive
cleaning is required, such as paint spray booths. HOWEVER, even though glass
lenses can be made to pass ANSI requirements, they offer much less impact
resistance than polycarbonate lenses.
Protective eyewear is available in several sizes and may be either single or double
lens. Fit of the eyewear is very important. The closer the eyewear fits to the
person’s face, the less chance of an object getting in around the edge of the
eyewear and striking the eye. A good fit is also important because if the eyewear is
uncomfortable, workers will be less likely to wear it.
Safety eyewear is available in a wide variety of styles and colors to fit almost
anyone’s taste. Allowing workers to choose eyewear they like will increase their
acceptance and wear time. And if your workers wear their eye protection regularly,
they’ll be less likely to suffer an eye injury.